Please use this form to reserve facilities for events and activities. It is very important to be very clear about the date AND time of your event or activity so that the space can be properly reserved and prepared.

If you have any questions, please contact the administrator of the building in which you are requesting space.

Fields Marked with an asterisk (*) are required.




Kolb Elementary

Today's Date : 

Contact Information

Contact Person*
Name of the person requesting use.
BCPS Employee? : 
Yes No
If NO, Organization:
Contact Phone*
Contact Email*

Facility Reservation

Room or Space*
Ex: Auditorium, gym, classroom #, etc.
Total Persons*
Maximum amount of people you expect to attend.
Activity or Use* :
Admission Charged? :

Reservation Date* :
Start Date/Time: Remember to also choose a Time
End Date/Time: Remember to also choose a Time

Equipment Request

  Enter numbers required or "Check" box if needed.
Chairs :
Tables :
P.A. System :
Trash Bins :
Podium :
Computer & Projector :
Other :

Facility Assistance

  Check boxes if required for your event.
Custodian :
Automated after normal school business schedule.
Lighting :
Automated after normal school business schedule.
Tech Crew :
Required for Auditorium programs.
Other :

Additional Comments and/or Requests